Song Tutorials
Our “song tutorials” section is designed to give worship leaders access to new worship songs written by members of our congregations worldwide. They are presented in a step-by-step teaching format to simplify your learning and application.
A teaser from my upcoming Vocal Training for Praise Singers Online Singing Course!
A 5 minute video on the four ways to breathe for singers.
This teaching video by Jerry Maday teaches the soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts for a new hymn, Righteous Lord Sovereign King.
Additional resources include practice tracks and music.
This is a teaching presentation of song #112 in the Songs of the Kingdom, New Songs V1 songbook.
Visit Mark’s YouTube Channel for more videos.
This is a teaching presentation of song #157 in the Songs of the Kingdom, New Songs V1 songbook.
Visit Mark’s YouTube Channel for more videos.
This is a teaching presentation of song #188 in the Songs of the Kingdom, New Songs V1 songbook. To hear a recording of the song in four-part harmony, visit our Lyrics, Charts and Recordings page.
Visit Mark’s YouTube Channel for more videos.
In this video, Mark Hoyle presents the melody and guitar techniques to play his new song, Out of My Weakness.
You can view more of Mark’s work at
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